Tuesday, June 17, 2014


My problem started when I first saw you smile
My heart malfunctioned it stopped beating for a while
My lungs almost collapsed I can hardly breathe
Your killer smile is too fatal and sweet

Every night I can't sleep I just kept smiling
These lovely images of yours in my head kept flashing
In all the words I say your name kept popping
I am terribly overwhelmed by these strange feelings

I went to a witch doctor to get some prescription
Her diagnosis for me is severe and chronic infatuation
I was advised to avoid you especially your kiss
Or I will suffer forever this magical disease

A wizard warned me that you are dangerous
You could be a carrier of a love virus
I am now hopeless and desperate with my situation
You are the cause and the very source of my infection

A fairy whispered my sickness has an antidote
All I need to do is send you this love note
If you are suffering the same symptoms I'm telling you
We'll both be cured by telling each other "I love you."

(By: Jun Abines)